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Expungement of Juvenile Records

Arapahoe County Expungement of Juvenile Records Lawyer

Juvenile Crime Facts and Statistics

The criminal law relating to juveniles is very different from that for adults. It focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment. Juveniles are at the beginning of their lives and a criminal record can be a lifelong disadvantage. The legislature has taken this into consideration by not allowing open access to juvenile court records and files.

Even though a juvenile's criminal court records are not normally open to the public, a juvenile record can still come up in ways that affect your future employment opportunities and in other ways. Even the mere embarrassment associated with having a juvenile criminal past can cause you emotional hardship that prevents you from truly putting past juvenile conduct behind you.

Expungement, or the sealing of records of arrest, prosecution or conviction, that is not available to adults on adult criminal cases may still be available to juveniles under certain circumstances.

We can help you determine whether or not you are eligible to seal your juvenile records. There are different, and at times, confusing timelines that exist with respect to your eligibility for expungement. We can help you sort through whether or not you are eligible now or when you will be eligible.

For up-to-date information and more complete information on your situation, contact Michael T. Kossen, P.C. We are based in Castle Rock, Colorado and serve nearby counties including Jefferson, Arapaho, Denver, El Paso and Elbert.

Denver Seal Juvenile Record Lawyer

We offer free initial consultations, and accept all major credit cards. Contact a criminal defense attorney online, or call us at (303) 791-6500 to schedule an appointment.